How To Attract Prosperity The Power Of The Law Of Attraction
Money Wealth & The Law of Attraction
Posted by Vglove
In a society and culture where everyone has the what's in it for me mentality, it's imperative to understand to get what you want, you have to be willing to give what people desire.
The truth is, almost all the people you meet feel superior to you in some way, and a sure way to their hearts is to let them realize in some subtle way that you recognize it sincerely.
We are in a world filled with abundance and prosperity yet they're people living poverty-stricken lives unaware that in part it is due to their thinking. I for one now know that wealth is achievable despite your circumstances.
Going from constantly worrying about money to having it in abundance is merely a state of mind. The rat race mentality takes a stronghold which makes us believe there isn't enough wealth to spread around. This influences the way you go about your daily living as well as your outlook on life.
Coming from meager beginnings to obtain wealth isn't an overnight task, everyone knows that in order to achieve you have to believe. Would you agree by observing people with wealth that you'll find it all started from thoughts and ideas molded within the mind before the actual manifestation?
Everything invented from railroads to the light bulb was first just an idea or thought then it became an image. From there the process of bringing it into a physical reality begins. Stage by stage the desired outcome begins to take shape and eventually through persistence it takes flight.
All things vibrate, including the human spirit and body. (hint: breathing in and out) Raising the vibration of your thoughts. What you think you become one great sage proclaimed. What you feel you attract. As a result, what you imagine you create.
Becoming aware that we live simultaneously on three distinct planes of being: spiritual, intellect, and our physical body. We come to the realization that the unseen or the intangibles govern more than meets the eye.
Whether it's on a personal level or concerning world events. We come to realize that the universe is comprised of interdependent entities that work together to maintain order.
What is prosperity consciousness? Why is it so important?
The best way to develop a prosperity consciousness if we wish to attract money to ourselves we must begin to foster a prosperity consciousness.
See yourself in your minds eye already in possession with the amount of money desired. The subconscious mind duties is to accept images and then move them into form in the hierarchy of things.
As you begin to hold thoughts of prosperity and wealth, just like a magnet, everything necessary for you to become wealthy begins to materialize. Unfortunately few people think, they merely exercise their mental faculty called memory. They are playing old movies, so old pictures keep flashing back on the screen of their mind.
The one thing to keep in mind that a lot of people fail to realize is that the mental image always precedes the physical manifestation. Observing how many thoughts a person thinks within a 24 hour period is mind-boggling.
Disregarding the clutter which includes doubt, fear, and influences that are trivial in nature. It takes relentless observation to guard your mind with the will to discard all distractions. To say and think positive thoughts is one thing, to honestly believe them is another.
Persistence is the key to unlocking the prosperity consciousness so many lacks in the quest to achieve their desire results.
Mental Money

Build your image of prosperity and be persistent. The way for your image to materialize will be shown to you through new thoughts and ideas flowing into awareness.
Posted by Vglove
The truth is, almost all the people you meet feel superior to you in some way, and a sure way to their hearts is to let them realize in some subtle way that you recognize it sincerely.
We are in a world filled with abundance and prosperity yet they're people living poverty-stricken lives unaware that in part it is due to their thinking. I for one now know that wealth is achievable despite your circumstances.
Going from constantly worrying about money to having it in abundance is merely a state of mind. The rat race mentality takes a stronghold which makes us believe there isn't enough wealth to spread around. This influences the way you go about your daily living as well as your outlook on life.
Coming from meager beginnings to obtain wealth isn't an overnight task, everyone knows that in order to achieve you have to believe. Would you agree by observing people with wealth that you'll find it all started from thoughts and ideas molded within the mind before the actual manifestation?
Everything invented from railroads to the light bulb was first just an idea or thought then it became an image. From there the process of bringing it into a physical reality begins. Stage by stage the desired outcome begins to take shape and eventually through persistence it takes flight.
All things vibrate, including the human spirit and body. (hint: breathing in and out) Raising the vibration of your thoughts. What you think you become one great sage proclaimed. What you feel you attract. As a result, what you imagine you create.
Becoming aware that we live simultaneously on three distinct planes of being: spiritual, intellect, and our physical body. We come to the realization that the unseen or the intangibles govern more than meets the eye.
Whether it's on a personal level or concerning world events. We come to realize that the universe is comprised of interdependent entities that work together to maintain order.
What is prosperity consciousness? Why is it so important?
The best way to develop a prosperity consciousness if we wish to attract money to ourselves we must begin to foster a prosperity consciousness.
See yourself in your minds eye already in possession with the amount of money desired. The subconscious mind duties is to accept images and then move them into form in the hierarchy of things.
As you begin to hold thoughts of prosperity and wealth, just like a magnet, everything necessary for you to become wealthy begins to materialize. Unfortunately few people think, they merely exercise their mental faculty called memory. They are playing old movies, so old pictures keep flashing back on the screen of their mind.
The one thing to keep in mind that a lot of people fail to realize is that the mental image always precedes the physical manifestation. Observing how many thoughts a person thinks within a 24 hour period is mind-boggling.
Disregarding the clutter which includes doubt, fear, and influences that are trivial in nature. It takes relentless observation to guard your mind with the will to discard all distractions. To say and think positive thoughts is one thing, to honestly believe them is another.
Persistence is the key to unlocking the prosperity consciousness so many lacks in the quest to achieve their desire results.
Mental Money

Build your image of prosperity and be persistent. The way for your image to materialize will be shown to you through new thoughts and ideas flowing into awareness.
Gaining and developing the strength to hold mental images for long periods of time without interruptions. The process of mental imaging is as real as you and me.
Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the most successful people of his time and this formula permeates his findings. Interestingly enough, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were among the individuals he interviewed. These men personified money is a reward for service rendered.
A friend of mine saw me writing and asked me what I was blogging about? When I told him his response was, "Don't you have to be wealthy yourself before you try to tell others how to become wealthy?"
This actually stopped me in my footsteps for a minute. Then I realized that acting as if is just as real as "real".
The Mormons have a scripture in their covenants and doctrines which states:
"Their is a law: irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessings from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
As I travel this journey to bring my desires into manifestation. I know that it has to be created in the mind first before physical manifestation. Acting as if faithfully filled with expectancy.
Faith in your ability to achieve what you imagine. Knowing that this universal law governs the universe and it is your birthright to utilize it no matter your race, social class, or cultural background.
Taking action on these ideas are important to grasp in order to get the results expected. Knowledge of the underlying principles involved is vital due to the fact that merely reciting words and thinking positive thoughts is only surface concepts.
To form new behaviors and transforming your thoughts aka the way you think takes mental effort. When going to war and battle with old beliefs. Rest assured, in the infant stage of reprogramming your subconscious mind to believe new thoughts. Stored baggage will resurface in a an attempt to bring you back to your comfort zone of thinking.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. - Genesis 1:26
Ask and you shall receive. The one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 6:7
"I dream my paintings, then paint my dream." - Vincent Van Gough
Why should anyone believe in the law of attraction?
If we are made in the image of the creator then it is safe to say that we are meant to be creators.
Utilizing our imaginations, ideas, and subconscious mind to not only plant the seed but to seek out what we desire and bring forth into our awareness how to develop the skills needed to materialize the desire.
Focused thought with an emphasis on details from writing the script, casting the cast, the location, and the production to directing scene by scene.
Reprogramming your subconscious mind takes time. Beliefs of doubt are the major obstructor of wealth building. Beliefs dating as far back to our childhood still has strongholds on our perception and our ability to conceptualize wealth as a reality.
Most people limit their acknowledgment of reality to what is perceptible only to their senses. The subjective realm is the counterpart that is inseparable to the objective and vice versa.
It baffles me that spiritual laws are less important than man-made ones. In my opinion, yes you should know the laws that govern your state, country, and cities.
But you should spend a lot more time studying the universe. It is a result of living in a culture that places more importance on the tangibles than the intangibles.
Abstract thinking must be developed to arrive at a place of knowing.
Attracting the right people into your life with resources, building positive relationships, creating your ideal life with the law of attraction powered by your will to imagine prosperity consciousness. Negative energy is a constant but allowing it to materialize in your thoughts is a choice.
Benefits of The Law of Attraction
Attaining clarity of what you want as opposed to knowing what you don't. You'll be amazed at how many people don't know what they really want. Vague generalized responses like I want a new car.
Details down to the color of the interior are necessary when it comes to knowing what you really want. Understanding how the subconscious mind works and how it affects your daily lives.
Storage of external influences into the subconscious mind which triggers certain thoughts, habits, and automaton actions. Feelings attached to a particular thought can trigger responses beneficial as well as detrimental.
Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the most successful people of his time and this formula permeates his findings. Interestingly enough, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were among the individuals he interviewed. These men personified money is a reward for service rendered.
A friend of mine saw me writing and asked me what I was blogging about? When I told him his response was, "Don't you have to be wealthy yourself before you try to tell others how to become wealthy?"
This actually stopped me in my footsteps for a minute. Then I realized that acting as if is just as real as "real".
The Mormons have a scripture in their covenants and doctrines which states:
"Their is a law: irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessings from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
As I travel this journey to bring my desires into manifestation. I know that it has to be created in the mind first before physical manifestation. Acting as if faithfully filled with expectancy.
Faith in your ability to achieve what you imagine. Knowing that this universal law governs the universe and it is your birthright to utilize it no matter your race, social class, or cultural background.
Taking action on these ideas are important to grasp in order to get the results expected. Knowledge of the underlying principles involved is vital due to the fact that merely reciting words and thinking positive thoughts is only surface concepts.
To form new behaviors and transforming your thoughts aka the way you think takes mental effort. When going to war and battle with old beliefs. Rest assured, in the infant stage of reprogramming your subconscious mind to believe new thoughts. Stored baggage will resurface in a an attempt to bring you back to your comfort zone of thinking.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. - Genesis 1:26
Ask and you shall receive. The one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 6:7
"I dream my paintings, then paint my dream." - Vincent Van Gough
Why should anyone believe in the law of attraction?
If we are made in the image of the creator then it is safe to say that we are meant to be creators.
Utilizing our imaginations, ideas, and subconscious mind to not only plant the seed but to seek out what we desire and bring forth into our awareness how to develop the skills needed to materialize the desire.
Focused thought with an emphasis on details from writing the script, casting the cast, the location, and the production to directing scene by scene.
Reprogramming your subconscious mind takes time. Beliefs of doubt are the major obstructor of wealth building. Beliefs dating as far back to our childhood still has strongholds on our perception and our ability to conceptualize wealth as a reality.
Most people limit their acknowledgment of reality to what is perceptible only to their senses. The subjective realm is the counterpart that is inseparable to the objective and vice versa.
It baffles me that spiritual laws are less important than man-made ones. In my opinion, yes you should know the laws that govern your state, country, and cities.
But you should spend a lot more time studying the universe. It is a result of living in a culture that places more importance on the tangibles than the intangibles.
Abstract thinking must be developed to arrive at a place of knowing.
Attracting the right people into your life with resources, building positive relationships, creating your ideal life with the law of attraction powered by your will to imagine prosperity consciousness. Negative energy is a constant but allowing it to materialize in your thoughts is a choice.
Benefits of The Law of Attraction
Attaining clarity of what you want as opposed to knowing what you don't. You'll be amazed at how many people don't know what they really want. Vague generalized responses like I want a new car.
Details down to the color of the interior are necessary when it comes to knowing what you really want. Understanding how the subconscious mind works and how it affects your daily lives.
Storage of external influences into the subconscious mind which triggers certain thoughts, habits, and automaton actions. Feelings attached to a particular thought can trigger responses beneficial as well as detrimental.
An observation into why did I think about that at this particular moment. Why do I desire what I desire? Is it for selfish reasons? Manifesting money with my mind, is it possible?
Reversing of attitude into one that is grateful for the good and the bad. Finding the positive in all situations. Nurturing the ability to sense negative energy and avoiding it at all costs.
The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear to do and get a record of successful experiences behind you. - Dale Carnegie
Every small inch of success counts. Feelings of fear can paralyze progress.
Reversing of attitude into one that is grateful for the good and the bad. Finding the positive in all situations. Nurturing the ability to sense negative energy and avoiding it at all costs.
The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear to do and get a record of successful experiences behind you. - Dale Carnegie
Every small inch of success counts. Feelings of fear can paralyze progress.
I've made it a norm to counteract those situations by moving forward with my intentions regardless of what people have to say and no matter what hurdles are thrown in my path. You never know how strong you are until it's your only option.
Stay mindful of realistic expectations. I'm guilty of losing patience and desiring instantaneous manifestations myself. However, I've come to realize there is a learning curve. Staying the course focused on what is important while tuning out all distractions.
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. What beliefs are holding you back? Every small victory is a breakthrough.

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Stay mindful of realistic expectations. I'm guilty of losing patience and desiring instantaneous manifestations myself. However, I've come to realize there is a learning curve. Staying the course focused on what is important while tuning out all distractions.
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. What beliefs are holding you back? Every small victory is a breakthrough.
"Nature has so built man that he has absolute control over the material which reaches his subconscious mind, through his five senses, although this is not meant to be construed as a statement that man always exercises this control.
In the great majority of instances, he does not exercise it, which explains why so many people go through life in poverty."
- Napoleon Hill
- Napoleon Hill
Learn more about the power of attraction: Manifest Miracle

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