How To Be An Entreprenuer Not A Fly By Night Vigilante
Posted by Vglove
Forex traders, stock brokers, and option traders all look at trends in the market to make a decision on their next move. Recent patterns as well as historical trends. So should online marketers and bloggers when choosing a niche or micro-niche to become an expert on. Transforming what you're passionate about into supplemental and primary sources of income takes consistent work.
What's trending in the marketplace? Should you go with the flow and attempt to be a jack of all trades?
Should you narrow down your choices to research something no one would dream of investing time and energy into making profitable?
A business job is to be a problem solver. Money derives from value and value derives from helping people. How do you do that? By researching what people are searching for when they're on search engines. Keyword tools allow you to see what people are typing into the search engine when looking for a solution to their particular needs.
Trendsetters stick to their guns never wavering from their path. Reporters stick and move hoping something sticks. A fly by night copy and paste vigilante that provides information that has been on the scene which has become out of date data. Trendsetters research topics that interest them writing from their own experiences and dealings in particular areas.
Trendsetters create their own brand putting their unique spin on things. Reporters don't make the news - they report what happened after the fact. Trendsetters pick niches that no else knows about. Niches no one else thinks would be profitable.
Trendsetters know decision making is a skill that has to be cultivated. Trendsetters don't wait to see what the crowd does before making a move. Trendsetters are not afraid to take a loss - its a calculated risk because of risk management.
Reporters want instant gratification and if that doesn't happen then its a scam. Complaining that it doesn't work and the expected results promised is bogus. Reporters wait to see if others are making money in the niche before getting in.

Trendsetters know 4 things when they're targeting a niche:
- Who are they? Target audience
- What do they want? Solutions to their needs
- What they hate? What keeps them up at night
- Where they hang out online? Self-explanatory
It's not about what you want to write. It's about what your audience wants to read. Reporters copy and paste landing pages while trendsetters put in the research and creative ideas from their own thoughts. Test and fail to see what works best.
"One of the worst ways you can torture yourself as a writer is to believe everything you do has to be original." - Jon Morrow
This planet has been spinning for quite some time now and reinventing the wheel is highly unlikely. Considering yourself an expert on a subject doesn't mean you have to have Ph.D. Onlookers know the difference between right winging it and genuine expression of high-quality information.
Trendsetters protect their downside taking minimally lost if any when taking a risk. Sir Richard Branson was wildly successful with his record company, Virgin Records.
After going on so many horrible flights, he had the idea to start an airline. He could create an airline that’s fun, hip, and high quality.
The reaction from his board of directors wasn’t too positive… Starting an airline sounds kinda high risk lol. But Branson had an ace up his sleeve.
Before he gets into any business venture, he “protects the downside.”
This means he tries to lower the risk of a deal to almost nothing.
In this case, what’s the risk if his airline business idea fails?
The airline company would fail and their parent company would be stuck with an airplane or two that they can’t sell.
So Richard went to Boeing and negotiated with them. He’d buy their aircraft on the condition that if the airline fails, Boeing will buy the aircraft back from him. Boeing agreed because they wanted someone to compete with British Airways.
British Airways were the only main buyer, so they were able to screw Boeing down on price. Now Branson had a stronger position to negotiate from.
What’s his worst case scenario? They lose 6 months of profit. Best case scenario? They end up with a wildly, successful business that could generate hundreds of millions.
Reporters follow the herd - Trendsetters calculate their risk and find the best case scenario to make it happen.
Emerging trends, and trends that in their heyday are two different things. One you'll have more comfort in investing in, the other takes sheer instinct. Trendsetters invest in knowledge while letting sheep wander and graze. Going with the flow of things careful not to shake things up.
Reporters talk about what happened in the news for most of the day. Trendsetters stay on the move and don't have time to listen to it. Calculating their next move.
Reporters need feedback and social proof to feel accepted. Trendsetters could care less and knows controversy fuels the fire. Experiencing joy in the journey. Impressed with the person their becoming but realizing every day is a new day.
Serious about making money online in 2020, want to spend more time doing the things you're passionate about, you owe it to yourself to start building passive income.
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